Monthly Archives: December 2014

See, New Books By Mothers

Up and Running …. Janie McQueen, Robin Karr,

!! If you order today, you can have in hand well before Christmas in trade paperback via Amazon, and TODAY on Kindle! Audiobook for Audible and iTunes TBA soon!

In her 16-year-old upscale Charleston, South Carolina life, the biggest problems Emily Amber Ross has had to face run along the lines of designing alternative Halloween costumes, losing five pounds before school pictures, sourcing…

The following is an excerpt from Janie McQueen‘s book “Hanging On By My Fingernails“. If you haven’t read this book, you should. Janie completely “gets” the horror of what we’re going through because she’s been through it too. Her ex-husband filed for sole custody of their two children and proceeded to have her arrested for no reason. Then, as a condition to her jail release, she had to agree to go into a treatment program – one she didn’t need. The excerpt below is taken fro…

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Janie McQueen is an author, speaker and media guest who specializes in topics of difficult divorces, women’s issues, and children’s literacy.  JANIEMCQUEEN.COM
See also, excerpt from Janie McQueen, Mother and Child Reunion:  A Non-Story:
“Maybe the damage is done.

Maybe the damage can’t be undone.

Noncustodial and estranged mothers are afraid to hope, because their hopes have been annihilated time and again. Sometimes even supervised visitation has been gradually and sadistically taken away.  Lonely treks to stores to buy birthday and Christmas and Easter presents yielded carefully packed parcels that were sent but presumably unopened, or misattributed, or at least unacknowledged. Children who’ve gotten caught up in vicious custody battles that celebrate one winner and banish the loser, have grown up not only with the sudden loss of a loving parent, but have been drilled repeatedly that the banished parent was horrible, will never love and has never loved them; is happier on her own; would be a bad influence anyway; will only alienate the present parent, the “good parent.”

In short, even the ghost, a glimmer, of this kind of reunion would most certainly represent a threat.

I’m a true believer, though. I believe with information comes understanding. I believe bringing to light the at best misguided and at worst corrupt and evil custody practices and how they work, will make a difference. Knowledge that these court edicts often have nothing whatsoever to do with parental competence, surely should help. Mothers who’ve always felt they deserved the treatment they received, who’ve suffered in isolation, will realize they have much company, join hands, and recognize they’re much stronger than they thought.

I believe the truth will begin to filter through. Somewhere, I believe children who’ve always been told their mothers left on their own accord, but the “abandoned” family is better off without them, will begin to see the chinks in the armor, the red flags that signal something wasn’t right, was never right.

Somewhere, somehow I hope for Mother and Child Reunions. In this lifetime.”

Janie McQueen is a career journalist and author of four books, most recently Hanging On By My Fingernails: Surviving the New Divorce Gamesmanship, and How a Scratch Can Land You in Jail. Her writing career includes news beats at major metro newspapers including The Greenville (SC) News and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and a stint as a speechwriter for the government of Taiwan during the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta. She currently writes for,, and Her first novel, The Motherless Child Project, written with Robin Karr, is due out in early 2015.


To Lose a Child Through Life by Robin Karr…/mothers-grieve-the-loss…/

The Worldwide Candle Lighting Remembrance Book is now open to add your message at You can read the tributes posted in the Remembrance Book at Worldwide Candle Lighting is an annual tribute to all c…



Julie is a mother of two sons whose life seemed perfect.Behind those beautiful closed doors in Bedford, New York, her husband routinely abused her physically, verbally, psychologically and eventually- emotionally through systematic alienation of her children. She had nowhere to turn for help. All people could see was an enviable lifestyle with a husband who was successful and bought her beautiful “things.” Then came the divorce. This husband proceeded to cut Julie off financially, spending his considerable wealth on frivolous legal tactics. Without money, she could not fight back. Julie lost custody of her children, had nowhere to go, no job and therefore no income. Her divorce was denied;he did not want it. Julie won her divorce on appeal-for cruel and inhuman treatment. The pain of losing her children would never go away. Her husband keeps her in court. He said he would kill her with “motion practice” if she tried to collect the financial judgement of divorce -saying she would never see a dime-nor see her children again. This should not have happened. But people are rarely aware of the tactics used by husbands such as Julie’s. My name is Julie. And this is my story.

“Scared Sick: The Role of Childhood Trauma in Adult Disease,” the new book by Robin Karr-Morse and Meredith S. Wiley (respectively, a family therapist and a nonprofit worker with a background in family policy), explains just how profoundly babies and young children are affected by traumatic experiences. In the remarkably researched work, the two women show that early life malnutrition and abuse can affect a kid’s nervous system well into adulthood. Children raised in traumatic environments are more prone to cancer, chronic pain and even diabetes. The duo’s previous book, “Ghosts From the Nursery,” looked at the childhood roots of violence, but this new work is no less significant in its conclusions about American culture.

A Nation of Motherless Children? | Janie McQueen, Author and Divorce Gamesmanship Expert

Battered Mothers - A Human Rights Issue A Nation of Motherless Children? “In some of the more severely manipulated cases, the tables were turned on mothers who sought to protect their children from abusive fathers; they were punished in family court and by the abusive parent. Many are limited to a couple hours’ supervised visitation every two weeks. They don’t have the privilege of shaking on the bleachers with the rest of us, who naturally take such excursions for granted. Many times there’s a protective order that would keep them from attending even public events such as this, when all they long to do is see their children in action, and enjoy a game to break up a brutal week of missing their children. …What kind of man goes to every length and expense possible to deny his children a healthy, some would say critical, portion of motherly love in their lives? Or not even…

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GUARDIAN AD LITEM SYSTEM IN EXPOSED, article by the Augusta Chronicle



Cases and complaints have been pouring in for months from the Augusta judicial district after we first investigated and reported on cases where evidence was being suppressed and children harmed.

Good parents and grandparents have been undermined and even blocked from seeing children, even when there was no justification for this.

Billing records are now being reviewed and are showing discrepancies that explain why parents are failing financially as they can’t keep up with the financial burden, let alone understand what they are being charged for to see that things don’t add up.

This article by the Augusta Chronicle is based on very compelling research that enlightens citizens and leadership about how certain bad actors on this stage are able to control outcomes of cases while lining their pockets.

One of the bad actors in the Guardian ad Litem program here is a business owner named Janet Weinberger. This news report by Fox 54 confirmed there are even more cases with complaints against Weinberger for billing issues along with allegations that key evidence was left out of reports leaving children and parents unprotected and destabilized. To see previous news reports related to this judicial district, click here.

My Advocate Center’s analysis is opening the door for larger investigations and for consideration of civil actions to help victims recover from damages caused in these cases. At the very least the data is building to a point that state leaders and advocates across the country will have a clear picture of the direction needing to be taken to improve public safety.

To learn more about our case studies, to contribute to this effort to improve family stability and health, or to report case details or other billing records, please contact us here.

How You Draft the Judgment Can Screw up Your Case

… title says it all – how a judgment is drafted, how it’s submitted, how it’s entered, etal …..

The Better Chancery Practice Blog

Many chancellors, present company included, often direct attorneys to draft a judgment incorporating the court’s ruling.

As you can probably imagine, the quality of resulting judgments varies considerably. We sign them, however, unless they are egregiously flawed, in which case we send the lawyers scurrying back to their proverbial drawing boards.

Sometimes, though, a lawyer will catch the judge in a distracted or weak moment, and the judge signs a judgment that is — well — not suited to the task.

That is what apparently happened in the case of Weathers v. Guin, decided by the COA on November 18, 2014.

Scott Guin filed a complaint for custody modification against his ex, Regina Weathers, on June 4, 2013. On July 8, 2013, an order was entered awarding custody to Scott. The order did not cite what was the material change in circumstances upon which the modification was based. It did…

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High Road to Family Reunification

Excellent research, data, information, re: PAS, breakdown of the system, etc. A must-read for anyone who has experienced or contributed to PAS. Knowledge and education leads to change.

Dr. Craig Childress: Attachment Based "Parental Alienation" (AB-PA)

My blog posts have been somewhat quiet recently because I’ve been focused on writing a book regarding the Theory and Diagnosis of an Attachment-Based Model of “Parental Alienation,” and I had to prepare for my recent Master Series seminar through California Southern University regarding the Diagnosis and Treatment of Attachment-Based Parental Alienation.” I was also focused on a Court case in Hawaii that was operating under time pressures.  This case was referred to me through Ms. Dorcy Pruter, a parenting coach in Southern California (

The Court case had a successful outcome for the targeted-rejected parent, and Ms. Pruter is now handling the mother-daughter reunification process.

I have been aware of Ms. Pruter’s work in this area for a while, but through our work together on this case I have had the opportunity to review Ms. Pruter’s reunification protocol and have also been able to engage her in extensive…

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7:44 a.m. Dec. 2, 2014—The novel The Motherless Child Project is

Excerpt from The Motherless Child Project, copyright 2014 by Janie McQueen and Robin Karr

“I could now see a trace of pattern on the case, little light blue X’s like those stamp-pattern cross stitch kits you see in Jo-Ann Fabrics and Michael’s. Almost half the threads were gone and the ones left were faded pastels – blue, golden-tan and pink. There was a picture of Winnie the Pooh and Piglet. It looked like Pooh was holding a pink balloon. Above the picture were carefully emb…