Family Court Federal Lawsuit – Rankin County Mississippi

Mississippi Family Court in the News: Rankin County, MS

FEDERAL Complaint on behalf of Timothy Stubbs (father), Ruslan & Elijah Stubbs (Timothy’s children who were formerly Ukrainian orphans)

On July 13, 2016 attorney Erich Jerscheid filed a federal complaint on behalf of Tim Stubbs and his sons, Ruslan and Elijah against Fred Davis, LPC (a/k/a) Fred G. Davis, Fred G. Davis, Sr., Upside Therapy, (a/k/a) Upside Down Family Therapy, LLC, Emily Suggs, Sheriff Bryan Bailey & Deputy/Investigator Raymond Duke, John Owen Recovery Consultations, Inc. and the Estate of Dan H. Fairly, Sr.

The 21 page complaint states that “Each Plaintiff was subject to unlawful search & seizure of their person and personal effects. One parent (Tim) lost custody for two months. Two non-English speaking teenagers were incarcerated without legal counsel or a translator. Both were ordered to counseling despite cultural differences, compelled to undergo counseling by a court-appointed individual who was not qualified to render the type of services for which he was appointed. A jury trial has been demanded.

Both Elijah and Ruslan were adopted from the Ukraine, and a custody battle between their adoptive parents brought them in front of Judge Dan Fairly in the Rankin County Chancery Court.

During the custody battle, both of the boys decided that they wanted to stay with their father and did not want to visit their adoptive mother anymore. Tim was falsely accused of alienating the boys against their adoptive mother.

When both boys refused to live with their adoptive mother, Rankin County Judge Dan Fairly sent both Elijah and Ruslan to jail for contempt of court. Both of the boys were still learning English at the time. Elijah spent the night in the Rankin County Detention Center and Ruslan spent the same amount of time in the Rankin County Juvenile Detention Center. Judge Fairly confiscated their Ukrainian passports. When the boys were released from jail, they were then ordered by Fairly to live with Camala Wyatt, a friend’s mother who is also an attorney and was appointed guardian ad litem by Fairly. He also put a no contact order on both Tim and Suzanne without any explanation being given to Tim. The Ukranian government became involved as well as a complaint filed with the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance.

After being away from their father for two months, in November of 2014 the boys were returned to their father’s custody where they had expressed all along that they wanted to be.

On April 3, 2015, the body of Rankin County Judge Dan Fairly was found. His death was determined to be a suicide.

Federal Complaint:

Boys returned to father’s custody:

Judge Dan Fairly’s death:

Judge jails adopted minors in custody case:

See Facebook Page

Children’s Rights Over Court Corruption (CROCC) created to unite individuals with the same goal – to end family court corruption and give children their entitled human rights

Mothers losing custody – United Nations Complaint

Safe Kids International

Claim Submitted Today to UN by The Women’s Coalition with Forms & Pictures from Women around the World: Human Rights Crisis

“On behalf of thousands of women, The Women’s Coalition, along with its sister organization, Safe Kids International, hereby submit this complaint detailing an international pattern of human rights violations being committed against women resulting in the loss of their children and/or inability to protect them from abusive fathers.

We are requesting the UN Commission on the Status of Women, UN Women and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon officially recognize the pervasive pattern of injustice and discriminatory practices detailed herein and appoint a committee to investigate, formulate policy, and develop strategies to end this prevalent discrimination against, and severe oppression of, women.


Now that women in developed countries are financially independent and can separate from and divorce men (and not be relegated to the streets or dead), they are, for the first time in written history, in the vulnerable position of losing their children to a man who decides he wants them—for whatever reason.

Unbeknownst to most women, the 1970’s women’s liberation movement did not liberate women completely. Men can, and too often do, use “their” children to maintain control over “their” women who have left them or have not lived up to their standards of a wife or partner. Women, who believe their rights and equality have already been fought for and won decades ago, are shocked, when, one by one, they are discredited, degraded, disempowered, and emotionally and financially devastated in the process of being stripped of their precious children.

There is a systematic and methodical pattern being implemented worldwide which accomplishes this theft of children from perfectly good mothers: poor investigations/evaluations by law enforcement, social services and/or family court professionals; biased opinions and recommendations given by court-appointed attorneys and psychologists; disregard or concealment of evidence the father is unfit, abusive or out for revenge or financial motives; false judicial findings that women are lying, alienating, mentally ill or emotionally abusive; the use of those findings to switch custody from a primary-caretaker mother to the father; silencing of mothers with threats of complete loss of their children and/or jail for bogus charges of “contempt”; silencing of children by sophisticated methods of psychological coercion carried out by court-appointed psychologists.

In the end, women are emotionally, physically, socially and financially devastated….”

Excerpts from:

Thanks to everyone who participated!

NOTE: Although the deadline was today (Saturday, August 1st), if you did not get your form submitted in time, you can still send it. We will be making a secondary submission and continue to collect forms as evidence of the human rights crisis. You can also submit pictures of you and/or your children for a collage.

Fill out form:
1. Click on the down arrow on the top right. This will download the document onto your computer. Or you can open in google docs.
2. Open the and enable editing.
3. Fill out at least the first two pages; others are optional
4. Email completed form:

Join the event on FB:
[This is a way for everybody to participate.]

Join the international dialogue on TWC’s FB page:

Join The Women’s Coalition:

Note: If you made a submission and have not yet received your UN case #, please email

Teen daughter’s reasons for hating (or is she being used for hate?)

Near verbatim … Exactly how it plays out.

And, This is abuse, lest anyone mistake. It has also been called abuse by proxy and occurs when children are left with no recourse, no protection from the constant badgering, denigrating, insidious remarks, acts and behaviors inflicted by an angry, vindictive ex-husband intended only with destroying an ex-wife and from whom the children are in constant contact and under the influence of. No thought is given to the children at all in exacting the intended revenge, anger, and punishment. The perpetrators verbal and non-verbal communication always employ threats, forcing fears, and causing great uncertainties for the child. Very few children can withstand this treatment, emeshed as they are, and maintain any normal, healthy love or remembrance of their attacked and maligned mothers.

Intervention by professionals has been unheard of in the past but this phenomenon is catching on slowly and is getting some much-needed and overdue attention in the public eye.

A great and powerful loss and grievous harm has been inflicted on countless mothers and children.

From Torn 2 Pieces 2 Peace

My mom doesn’t love me.

She says she does, but I know better. She’s never loved me.

Dad is the only one who loves me.

Dad lets me eat cheese curls, and watch TV and play video games.

I hardly get any snacks at Mom’s house, and worse, she wants me to eat dinner before getting treats. Mom is so mean. Also, Mom doesn’t always cook what I like to eat. She’s always making homemade things… and not always the good kind. Like sometimes she’ll make grilled salmon even though I hate fish. And she’ll make broccoli but no cheese sauce, and she makes brown rice instead of minute rice. Plus, she makes homemade mac and cheese. Dad makes the good stuff from a box.

Dad agrees that it’s thoughtless of her not to make what I like all the time. Dad cooks hot pockets and pizza rolls and jalapeno poppers for dinner…

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23 Parts to Programming Your Child

Waiting 4 Ethan

Understanding Brainwashing in the Context of Parental Alienation:

23 Parts to Programming Your Child: Brainwashing in the context of parental alienation. 23 Parts to Programming Your Child: Brainwashing in the context of parental alienation.

Brainwashing is something we normally think of when we talk about a cult or prisoners of war, but is something far less abstract and distant than what most people think and happens in homes around the world. What is brainwashing? In the world of psychology, it is also referred to as thought reform, with its source being social influences.  It’s a way to change someone’s beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. “Brainwashing is a severe form of social influence that combines…[compliance, persuasion, and education]… to cause changes in someone’s way of thinking without that person’s consent and often against his will.” (

  • Compliance – behavior changes
  • Persuasion – attitude changes
  • Education – is considered the “propaganda method” or teaching one’s own distorted “truth”

Brainwashing has been studied since 1929 by Mao…

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I Am Unstoppable (Poetry)

Sharing …. Beautiful expression of Unstoppable Love

Unstoppable Mothers


I brought you into this world

And a judge order took you away

I was not allowed to say good-bye

Or to pack your favorite teddy bear

I have missed so much of your life,

And knowing who you are

My dear child,

My love for you

Is not bound by court order

And I will love you always,

I am unstoppable.

— poem by PMA International, Unstoppable Mothers © 2015


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Another Easter Without My Daughter (Photography and Quote)

Shared by many who know and understand and support this our cause ….

Unstoppable Mothers

Screen Shot 2015-04-04 at 2.13.40 AM

“Another Easter without my daughter. I miss your giggles joy, and wonder on discovering all your Easter goodies in your basket. I miss making you bunny pancakes and seeing you bite off the ear with glee as the syrup trickles down to your chest. I miss dressing you in your special Easter dress, carefully chosen by us weeks before, and braiding your hair in ribbons and bows as we get ready for church. I miss you asking to borrow a touch of my perfume as you stand tall in front of the mirror admiring the little lady you are – all dressed up on Easter morning. I miss you and our special Easter days.”

Unstoppable Mothers © 2015


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Teachers, college professors, pastors, ministers, doctors, counselors, coaches and many others can begin to help youth in an area that is desperately needed.

I could re-blog again and again, these sharp, accurate points – how silence empowers, feeds, exacerbates  and further isolates children, and their  mothers, Who suffer alienation and deprivation.  I have always been an optimist, and continue to believe that the majority of those in the community who interact with our children  are simply not aware of what they are going through . Or if they suspect they are not fully educated and informed. I also sincerely believe that there are great and many people in each of our communities who would be outraged and make mighty and powerful resources for our children and for us, the mothers, IF only they were made aware of the true facts,  nature and cause of the abuses, alienation and deprivation that we are subjected to on a daily basis.

Change the titles to apply for every age and stage of life…. kindergarten teacher, daycare employee, dance instructor, baseball coach, even doctor and dental assistants … The list is infinite. Most have and Will continue to  see and spend more time with our children than we do!

How wonderful if we could reach and educate these professionals, all with loving bonds and families of their own, who are fathers and mothers, grandparents, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, sons and daughters  ….  and, I believe, most would be supportive and sympathetic, morally inclined and extremely motivated to help, making mighty role models for and being much-needed  compassionate, positive influences to our children, whom they know, see, teach, or coach, regularly.

How greatly this would  reduce the isolation that goes along with the abuses, the alienation and the deprivation, that our children suffer on a daily basis.

We cannot  overlook these people and their potential for each of our children individually, and for this cause as a whole. 

Stop saying “Divorce causes broken homes.” Just stop it.

A Cry For Justice

Morpheus divorce

This was a comment posted on our Facebook page by our friend Juliette.

Divorce often occurs when targets of abuse (with their children) LEAVE the “broken home.” A “broken home” in which they have bravely STAYED, with passionate hope for healing – for way too long!! A “broken home” which is making the targets ill, mentally fragmented and soulfully crushed. Once they leave and begin to recover and heal…the home is ~no longer broken~… it is in God’s hands and the home is experiencing restoration and healing. The targets might always, always love, miss and pray for the “person” they needed to leave. But it is good that they decided they would no longer endure something that was killing and robbing them every single day.

Stop telling a target of abuse that her children are destined to be a statistic of “ruined children in broken homes because of divorce” because she’s chosen to leave and raise them in a “broken…

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